If you’ve navigated our website, you may know a few reasons why Kate loves real estate. However, below are ten personal things about Kate that perhaps you didn’t know before.
1. Prior to real estate, previous jobs included being a veterinary technician and a raw vegan dessert business partner with my mom.
2. My Husband was my college sweetheart, who happens to be an identical twin.
3. My father and I performed a fun, choreographed dance at my wedding. We practiced for hours and NO ONE knew it was happening – not even my husband!
4. I’m a mother of two girls – Meadow, who is entering kindergarten this year and Summer, who was born in August 2019. Summer has Trisomy 21 and had a successful open heart surgery at 7 months. She’s our little warrior.
5. I’m a bit crunchy, I value whole body wellness, organic farm fresh foods, and my yoga practice.
6. One of my favorite hobbies is assembling furniture. I like to time myself to see how fast I can get it done!
7. My husband and I like to travel, go antiquing, and play golf together.
8. My parents have owned a roofing business since before I was born. I’ve been around construction and home improvement my whole life. One of my first memories is watching ‘This Old House’ with my parents.
9. I grew up riding horses and even competed in shows for a few years.
10. I’ve had the same four best friends since I was 16. We’re all still each others’ besties.